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Amazing Symbiosis Between Ants and Plants

Joe Hanson travels to the rain forest to find ants that dwell inside trees. Send to a Friend |

The Caterpillar That Bribes Ants

(via Deep Look) The Peruvian Amazon is a dangerous place when you're small. So the young Inga tree hires ants as bodyguards to protect its vulnerable leaves. Their pay: delicious nectar served up in tiny ant-sized dishes. But will the ants keep up their end of the bargain? Send to a Friend |

Why Is a Bonobo Mother Eating Her Dead Young?

(via BBC Earth) Bonobos are one of our closest living relatives, sharing over 98% of a humans DNA makeup. In this rare video footage we see a mother Bonobo as she consumes her dead offspring. you can read more about this behaviour here Send to a Friend |

Ants Make Wacky Noises

(via Gross Science) Ant language sounds wacky—and can be hacked. Send to a Friend |

Animals Who Eat Their Young Get Surprising Benefits

(via Minute Earth) Sometimes, it makes sense for critters across the animal kingdom to chow down on their own young. Send to a Friend |

360° Great Hammerhead Shark Encounter

(via National Geographic) Dive into this 360° video and go face to face with a curious great hammerhead shark. Send to a Friend |

Teaching a Baby Panda to Poo

(via BBC Earth) Ying Hua was abandoned by her mother after only a few days and is being hand reared. This highly intensive conservation job means that the keeper has to mimic the absent mother's every behaviour. Send to a Friend |

How Baby Turtles Find Their Way Home

Sea turtles can navigate their ways across thousands of miles of ocean to nest at the spot where they were born. How do they accomplish such a feat? Send to a Friend |

Planet Earth II: Official Extended Trailer

(via BBC Earth) 10 years ago Planet Earth changed our view of the world. Now we take you closer than ever before. This is life in all its wonder. This is Planet Earth II. Send to a Friend |

The Chemistry of Skunk Spray

(via Gross Science) How do you get rid of skunk odor? Don't use tomato juice... Use chemistry! Send to a Friend |

Tiny Spiders Sing and Dance

Male jumping spiders perform courtship dances that would make Bob Fosse proud. But if they bomb, they can wind up somebody's dinner instead of their mate. Send to a Friend |

The Donald Trump Caterpillar Has the Greatest Venomous Spines

(via It's Okay to Be Smart) They have some of the best caterpillars in Peru. The best. Send to a Friend |